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Auraria Campus

Credit Union of Denver has been serving the Auraria Campus since 1998!

Community College of Denver, MSU Denver

Credit Union of Denver has been serving the Auraria Campus since 1998! Visit us in The Tivoli next to the bookstore.

Credit Union of Denver.  Smart.  Like You.

As an Auraria Campus student or faculty member you are eligible to become a C∙U∙D member! And once you are a member, you are always a member.

Credit Union of Denver is not-for-profit, which means we put our members first, and provide a friendly, member-focused environment. We care about helping our members, campus community and beyond.

We are a full-service financial institution, offering:

Plus much more!

Get Started

Interest Rewards Checking and Cashback Rewards Checking with Debit Cards: It’s free to use, in fact it pays you to use your debit card! Many people have taken advantage of our Rewards Checking Accounts.

Cashback Rewards Checking
Free Cashback Rewards Checking: Earn 5% cashback of your total debit card transactions up to $5 each month.2 With $5 cashback each month, you can think of this as your “Free Latte” account!

Interest Rewards Checking
Free Interest Rewards Checking: Earn up to 5.00% APY3 on balances up to $10,000 and .20% APY on balances over $10,000.

Both of our Free Rewards Checking Accounts  have no minimum balance requirements, plus you can receive up to $25 in ATM fees automatically refunded each month! All you have to do to each month to receive these rewards each is:

  1. Have a Direct Deposit or Mobile Deposit or Electronic Transfer from another institution (of at least $1)
  2. Receive eStatements
  3. Use your Debit MasterCard® at least 15 times monthly 

And if you don’t meet the requirements4, there are no penalties! There’s the whole next month to meet the requirements again to earn the rewards.5

Get Started Today!

New Member(s)

Existing members, select the button below based on existing account ownership. If you would like to open a checking account with different ownership, please choose the New Member button above, which will prompt you to also open a multiple share account. If you have more than two owners, or any questions, contact the credit union at 303.234.1700 | 800.279.3288.

Existing Member - Single   Existing Member - Joint

Find disclosures and more information about our Interest Rewards Checking here and Cashback Rewards Checking here.

Our newly remodeled branch is in the Tivoli, room 211, next to the bookstore on the Auraria campus. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us and we’ll be more than happy to help!

1 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. 2.01% APY for first $1000. Rates current as of 03/15/2025 The Youth Share account is a two-tiered account where a higher rate of dividend is paid on the daily balance up to $1,000.00 and the standard Prime Share rate on the daily balances over $1,000. Fees incurred on account can reduce earnings. The Youth Share account is available to minors from the age of 0 to 17 years. Only one Youth Share account allowed per child. In the month following the account holder’s 18th birthday, the Youth Account will change to a standard savings account, earning the prime share rate at the time. Rates are subject to change at any time. Find our current rates on our rate page. Dividends will be calculated daily, compounded, and credited monthly. The dividend period begins the first calendar day of the month and ends the last calendar day of the month. An Initial Deposit and Minimum Balance of $5.00 is required to open and maintain a Youth Share Account. We recognize that protecting children’s identities and privacy online is important and that the responsibility rests with both the online industry and the parents. We may periodically offer an online link through our website to a children’s site, which conforms to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. 

2 Up to 5% of the net purchase amount on debit card purchases with a maximum reward of $5 per calendar month.

3 APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates are variable and subject to change at any time. Rates current as of 03/15/2025. Fees incurred on account can reduce earnings.

4 Monthly Account Requirements: At least 15 debit card transactions, Direct Deposit or Automatic Credit electronically posted to the account and be enrolled in eStatements to receive higher interest rate/cashback/ATM fee refunds. If the Account Requirements are met, the rewards noted will be applied. A Prime Share (savings) account with a $5.00 deposit is required for membership prior to opening a checking account. 

5 The timing of debit card transactions hitting your account are not in the control of the Credit Union. 

Foreign Transaction Fee for all debit and credit card transactions made in foreign countries, in foreign currencies, or initiated by phone or Internet with parties located outside of the U.S. 1% fee is calculated on final settlement amount in US dollars.

Applicant(s) must clear check reporting agency. The credit union also retains the right to obtain a Credit Bureau report on each applicant.

For all Checking Account disclosures, see our Membership Booklet and Truth in Savings information. Request a copy in a branch or by calling 303.234.1700