Board of Directors
Board members provide leadership and are responsible for establishing policies for the credit union operations and activities. They meet once a month and occasionally an additional meeting may be called for special matters.
- Kristina Sapp – Chairman of the Board
- Fernando Rocha - Vice Chairman
- Doug Burke – Secretary/Treasurer
- Lee Allen
- Carl Bingham
- Donna Piazza
- Russel Smith Jr.
- George Volentir
- Tim Williams Jr.
Supervisory Committee
They are responsible for the accurate financial reporting and safeguarding members’ assets through auditing and supervision of our operations as governed by the bylaws and the state and federal regulators. This committee meets once a month. Current members are:
- Laura Avila – Chairman
- Jacqueline Ganger – Vice Chairman
- Megan Estep – Secretary
- Aimee Cucarola
- Robin Morthland
- Linda Rihel-Todd
Volunteers provide the guiding force for all credit unions.
Volunteers are the backbone of Credit Union of Denver. For over 90 years, the credit union has provided value and financial stability to its members. They determine the direction of the credit union and approve policies that govern the credit union’s operations and growth. Did you know you could be a volunteer too? As a member of the credit union, you are eligible to run for an elected office if you are at least 21 years of age, bondable, a member in good standing and you must be genuinely interested in providing leadership to assure the future of your credit union, and be of sound judgement in financial and business matters.
For any questions regarding volunteer opportunities, please contact our Credit Union of Denver Executive Assistant, Katie Danek-Sodt at 303.239.1113.